N'ad i'r gwyntoedd cryf, dychrynllyd, Gwyntoedd oer y gogledd draw, Ddwyn i'm hysbryd gwan, trafferthus, Ofnau am ryw ddrygau ddaw; Tro'r awelon Oera'u rhyw yn nefol hin! Gwna 'mi weld y byd a'i stormydd Yn diflannu cyn bo hir; Doed i'r golwg dros y bryniau Ran o'r nefol, hyfryd dir; Im gael llonydd Gan holl derfysgiadau'r llawr. Grym fy nwydau sy'n fy mhoeni, Grym f'euogrwydd a fy mai: Methu eilwaith beidio pechu, Eilwaith methu 'difarau: I 'ngwaredu O na welwn fore wawr! Disgwyl 'rwyf drwy hyd yr hirnos, Disgwyl am y bore-ddydd; Disgwyl clywed pyrth yn agor, A chadwynau'n mynd yn rhydd; Disgwyl golau Pur yn nh'wyllwch tewa'r nos. Daw, fe ddaw y wawr wen, olau Y bo'r cwmwl du yn ffoi; Tarth a niwl yn cyd-ddiflannu A oedd wedi cydgrynhoi: Dyma'r oriau 'Rwy'n eu gweled draw drwy ffydd. dros y bryniau :: tros y bryniau drwy hyd :: trwy hyd nh'wyllwch :: nh'w'llwch 'Rwy'n :: 'Wy'n drwy ffydd :: trwy ffydd
gwelir: |
Do not let the strong, terrifying winds, The cold winds of the distant north, Bring to my weak, troubled spirit, Fears about the kind of evils to come; May the breezes turn Of the coldest kind into heavenly weather! Make me see the world and its storms Disappearing before long; May there come to view across the hills Part of the heavenly, pleasant land; That I may have peace From all the tumults of below. Strong my passions which assail me, Strong my guilt and my sin: Failure again to stop sinning, Again failing to repent: To deliver me O that I would see there the break of day! I am waiting throughout the long night, Waiting for the morning of day; Waiting to hear the portals opening, And the chains becoming free; Waiting for light Pure in the thickest darkness of the night. It comes, the bright, light dawn comes That the black cloud may flee; Smoke and cloud disappearing together Which had gathered together: Here are the hours I can see them yonder through faith. tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion |
I am through the lone night waiting, For the dawning of the day, When my prison door is opened, When my fetters fall away. O come quickly, Happy day of Jubilee! Let me still be meekly wakeful, Trusting that to all my woes, By thy mighty hand, Redeemer, Shall be given a speedy close: Keep me watching, For the joyful Jubilee.tr. 1854 Joseph Morris also:
While the stormy winds are blowing
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis [Elfed] 1860-1953 |